Intimate rejuvenation with CO2 fractional laser
Intimate rejuvenation
Many women are unhappy with the condition of their genitals, the stretching of the vaginal muscles and the relaxation of the urethra. All these processes are quite natural, although there are factors that exacerbate these problems - childbirth, gynecological operations, hard work, inflammatory diseases. Modern laser technology allows you to cope with these ailments or reduce them to a minimum.
This is a non-invasive medical procedure aimed at plastic surgery of the genital organs.
The manipulation is not associated with pain, is not an operation, lasts from 15 to 30 minutes and solves the problems of a physiological and aesthetic nature.
Laser rejuvenation "works" with the mucous membrane, destroying old collagen fibers, while stimulating tissues to create new fibers.
Indications and contraindications
Vulvovaginal atrophy (VVA) is one of the most common and dramatic manifestations of estrogen deficiency. According to statistics, about 60% women experience urinary incontinence in the first months after giving birth and during menopause. In 80% cases, genital prolapse is noted after childbirth, in 40% cases, pathological changes in the perineum occur, in the case of a large fetus, this probability increases to 100%.
- Dryness of the mucous membranes of the vagina, thinning, inflammation.
- Pain and burning sensation during intercourse (dyspareunia).
- Violation of the normal microflora of the vagina, vaginal colpitis with an increase in pH.
- Peeling of the skin and itching in the intimate area.
- Decreased libido and sexual activity.
- Age-related changes in the intimate area.
- Urinary incontinence (postpartum and menopausal).
- Scars, scars, cracks in the perineum, vulva.
- Pregnancy, lactation.
- Diabetes.
- Oncology.
- Mental disorders.
- Inflammatory diseases and STDs.
- Autoimmune diseases.
Preparation and holding
Before the procedure, it is necessary to pass an analysis for the vaginal microflora and atypical cells.

Applied technology
Today, CO2 lasers allow you to carefully select the parameters of exposure, control the process of tissue remodeling, avoiding their excessive local damage. The innovative technology of the vaginal rejuvenation scanner makes it possible to choose the depth and duration of the impulse, as well as the distance between the zones of thermal damage. At the time of treatment, the laser beam is divided into fractions and, falling on the area of the mucous membrane, forms points of microdamages. In this case, the epithelial component of the atrophic mucosa undergoes rapid surface ablation, and the deeper layers undergo a thermal effect that triggers the synthesis of collagen and the main substance of the matrix .
VVA treatment procedure with CO2 laser does not require anesthesia, is easily tolerated by patients and takes no more than 15 minutes. After the procedure, it is recommended to exclude sexual activity for 7 days. An intermediate effect in the form of a weakening of VVA symptoms is achieved a month after the first treatment and increases with each subsequent procedure. The final stable result is achieved after a course, which consists of 2-3 procedures with an interval of 6 weeks and lasts for 1.5 years.
Modern laser methods for the restoration of the vaginal mucosa with proven effectiveness eliminate the symptoms of VVA, improve the quality of life of a woman, and restore her sexual function .
Laser vulvovaginal rejuvenation is an alternative to hormone replacement therapy, in some cases, surgery, is easily tolerated by patients, does not require rehabilitation . Along with this, the method is safe, solves a large number of problems, and has a deep therapeutic effect. By regenerating the vaginal mucosa, it became possible to restore its functional ability and prolong the youth and quality of life of the patient.

The procedure is carried out on the devices
Fractional laser resurfacing or fractional rejuvenation is an innovative method of non-surgical skin lifting and improvement of all its structures, which allows you to get a pronounced rejuvenating effect even in one procedure. The impact is based on the DOT technology - dermal optical thermolysis, that is, strictly dosed point evaporation of tissues to a given depth. Fractional laser resurfacing can be effectively performed on any skin type and achieve the desired results.
Fractional laser resurfacing or fractional rejuvenation is an innovative non-surgical technique in aesthetic cosmetology, which is designed to rejuvenate the face, neck, decollete and eliminate various skin defects throughout the body.
The procedure of fractional laser rejuvenation helps to eliminate aesthetic imperfections, to obtain a pronounced rejuvenating effect even in 1 procedure.